Friday, November 29, 2019

The Fire Next Time Essays - Biblical People In Islam, Elijah

The Fire Next Time Breading Hate Opher Yunger Enc 1102 ?turning to that man on his right, he began to speak of the white devils?What had they made him (me) feelElijah went on about the crimes of white people, to this endless chorus of 'Yes, that's right.' The so-called American Negro is the only reason Allah has permitted the United States to endure so long; the white man's time was up in 1913, but it is the will of Allah that this lost black nation?be redeemed from their white masters and returned to the true faith, which is Islam. (Baldwin 65-6) This is a quote from James Baldwins' The Fire Next Time written in 1962, twenty years after Hitlers Third Reich reigned over much of modern day Europe. In the late 1930's Many of Hitlers speeches sounded very close to this one, and most of Europe blindly followed after him. The world may never be the same since the Holocaust, but it is things like this that make me wonder. Did the world really learn from the past? Baldwin's The Fire Next Time discusses progress. Did the human race really make progress after World War Two? In the pre World War Two era, Germany was one of the most advanced nations in the modern world, yet they also led Europe in the horrible murder of twelve million men, women and children. How could a man like Elijah Mohammed, who was considered a very spiritual man, take aim at the white people and call them devils saying that the black man needs to reclaim the world. Did he not see how twenty years before hand the reckless words of hatred from a single man condemned twelve million men, women and children to death? ?I began to see that Elijah's power came from his single-mindedness? (Baldwin 66). Elijah Mohammed thought, in the 1960's, exactly like Hitler. He thought that the black race was better than any other race in the world. This is an understandable thought, his nation was being oppressed and put down because of the color of their skin. Who is to say that if anyone else was in that situation, he or she would not also want to destroy the people who were oppressing them. But Elijah Mohammed was hiding behind g-d saying that this is what the Koran says. It happens way too many times, that g-d is brought into the picture. Does g-d really want people of a certain race to rule the world? Today in the twentieth century people are still murdering innocent people and standing behind g-d. Almost weekly we hear about a terrorist attack in the middle east, many of which are funded by religious extremists. It is easy for a leader to use g-d when they are speaking to many people who feel they are oppressed and have no where else to turn. A person who feels he has nothing to lose will do almost anything he is told. If the African American people had followed Elijah Mohammed who knows what could have happened. The American people could have repeated a Holocaust right in their own country. Many people say a Holocaust could never happen again. It's things like this that can make people think twice. Bibliography Baldwin, James. The Fire Next Time. New York: Vintage, 1993.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How I felt on September 11, 2001

How I felt on September 11, 2001 On the morning of September 11, 2001 I awoke thinking that this would yet be another typical Tuesday; little did I know that this day would change my life forever. Seeing two of our countries largest towers collapse was the scariest thing I have ever faced. After witnessing the pain and sorrow of that horrible day I realized now the same nightmares we see on television across the globe are actually happening in our own backyard.Over the course of the week following the attack, coverage of the search for victims and perpetrators was everywhere. Like most Americans I am sure, I was not able to tear myself away from the television until the real damage became apparent. Despite the media?s pleas for blood donations, they weren?t needed. There were barely any intact bodies found- let alone survivors.There are two images I still to this day cannot seem to get out of my mind.The Statue of Liberty front shot, on Liberty Islan...One is of a man in a suit jumping out of a top floor and falling to his death. He reminded me of a father who had put on his tie that morning in attempt to go to work in attempt to achieve the American Dream, only to be forced between burning alive or being killed upon the impact of his body with the momentum hitting the concrete sidewalk.The other image is of a girl my age with her mother and younger brother holding up a picture of her father, describing him while sobbing and begging for people to look for him in the surrounding hospitals. She looked so horrified and heart broken. I wanted so badly for her father to come home and say, ?Everything is okay.? More than anything, the attack has made me sad. I am sad for the victims?...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Facebook Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Facebook - Essay Example This web based business will be based on two types of business models. The first business model will be based on the direct books sales and second one will offer the facility to purchase the books using affiliated partners such as Amazon, Microsoft and publishers. The main step in this web based business implementation is the analysis of the market place for the new web based business development and implementation. In this phase of the web based business analysis we will assess the market trends and business activities. This will help us in establishing a practical business policy that can facilitate the effective business implementation. In the next step we will develop an e-business implementation plan and e-commerce revenue models. These both areas will be the foundations of the online business development and implementation. The business policy will address the business customers, target market, privacy policy, underlying business deals, etc. While the ecommerce revenue models will provide us the basic platform regarding the online revenue generation. The main revenue models we are going to implement are (Carter, 2009): The next step in this system implementation is system design and development. The system designing involves all the necessary web based usability aspects that offer the user a clear view of the system development and offer the online customer a better and enhanced interaction. The web based system development will involve the implementation of the web based system and making system according to the established system requirements. The next phase involves the web based system implementation. In this phase initially we need to purchase a web site domain name that will be used for our website. The next step regarding selection of the services and ISP (Internet services provides) to make our website available on web. These also involve the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Consumer Phsychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Consumer Phsychology - Essay Example The starting point towards this is through the stimulus-response model of buyer behaviour which involves examining the marketing and other stimuli in the consumer's black box that translates into buyer responses (Kotler & Armstrong, 2001) Through ethnicity and religion, individuals acquire beliefs and attitudes which affect buying behaviour. Beliefs shape the product and brand images which either attract or repel people to buy. If some of the beliefs are wrong, sales will decline such that marketers are quick to spot any kind of misconceptions to prevent this from happening. On the other hand, attitudes refer to the regular evaluation of an individual's feelings and tendencies such that people are put into either liking or disliking the product (Kotler & Armstrong, 2001). Even though attitudes encompass feelings or emotions, they are still different concepts because the former encompasses other concepts as well besides feelings. Moreover, attitudes are found to possess both cognitive and emotive elements (Nwankwo, 1998)). Attitudes are difficult to change such that products and services fit in the common, existing emotions rather than change attitudes. Religious groups also provide important influences on consumer behavior. Many Seventh Day Adventists limit their purchases of meat and are targets for vegetable-based foods. The Jewish subculture desires products with kosher certification as do other subcultures who prefer to buy kosher chicken and hot dogs. Subcultural analysis allows marketers to focus on significant market segments. Marketing to the singles market or an ethnic group must avoid stereotyping and being condescending to that group (Burton, 1996). Analysis of the subgroup, its beliefs, values, and norms can help marketers develop appropriate strategies and seek out market opportunities. Although the singles market overlaps inasmuch as some singles are elderly, the focus can be directed to those people who are under the age of forty. Attention to this market is important because their distinctive lifestyles qualify them as a substantial subcultural group. The consumer may use extended, limited, or routine decision making. Extended consumer decision making occurs when considerable time is expended on information search and evaluation of alternatives (Delener, 1994). When purchases are made infrequently and the consumer has little experience with the product, extended decision making is likely to take place. Limited consumer decision making UK Consumer Behavior Today's UK market is characterised by highly competitive organisations which are all vying for consumer's loyalty. Firms are faced with the challenge to maintain their own competitive edge to be able to survive and be successful (Lindridge, 2005). Strategies are carefully planned and executed to gain the ultimate goal of all: company growth. However, external factors are not the only elements which influence growth. There are also internal factors, components working within the organisation which shape the direction of the company. Despite the economic and technological conditions that make it possible now to promote products and services in a larger consumer market, there are other factors that still need to be considered for a business organisation reach out easier to their target market. Looking into the characteristics and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Chinese grassroots living situation in China big cities Research Paper

Chinese grassroots living situation in China big cities - Research Paper Example The country has a relatively large number of people that are extremely disadvantaged in the socio-political and socio-economic status, with their living condition being extremely poor. Despite the available social amenities and the improved social facilities through the urban cities, the grassroots population that comprises of mostly the peasant workers, have had little benefits to enjoy (Mars & Hornsby 129). The paper thus studies on the living conditions of these Chinese grassroots people, why they live in these situations, explaining the reason why China housing prices are much higher in big cities and measures the Chinese government is devising to change the situation. The Chinese grassroots is the groups are unfortunate individuals that live in the un-humanized society. The Chinese farmers are traditionally the most inferior in class, who are the ideal representatives of the Chinese grassroots. These grassroots groups live the hardest life and work the hardest in order to feed the other ‘brilliant’ people in the big cities (Wang & Murie 93). The Chinese farmers are the ones that cover the largest portion of the population in China and thus play a critical role towards promoting social development. The economic pressures force these grassroots people into moving to cities in search of better jobs, but instead end up working as peasant workers. These people end up living in destitute conditions, which even poses risks to their own health, in order to keep on surviving in cities (Nielsen & Smyth 65). The World Health governing bodies have able to raise concerns about the living conditions of these grassroots Chinese population, hence pr ompting the government to take some actions to solve the problem. It is apparent that a number of reasons contribute to the kind of living conditions that the Chinese grassroots have to live within these cities. The first challenge is the problems of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Limitations of Interviews in Social Research

Limitations of Interviews in Social Research Why might you decide to use in-depth interviews for a research project? What are the potential limitations? Give examples of studies which have employed this technique well and discuss critically why in your opinion they are good examples. In the social research an interview/interviews are a frequently used mode of data collection. The aim is for the interviewer to elicit from the interviewee or respondent all manner of information. (Bryman, 2008:192). In-depth interviewing is more commonly known as a method that enables the researcher to explore the deeper structure of ideas presented by the participants. Many sociologists use in-depth interviewing to explore a multitude of substantive and theoretical topics (e.g., Bell and Hartmann 2007; Quark 2007; Read and Oselin 2008). (Healey-Etten, V., Sharp, S.,2010: 157). There are many types of interviews that can be used to carry out research however, I am going to describe why it may be beneficial to use in depth interviews for a research project and the potential disadvantages and previous examples of in-depth interviews that have been used to carry out research. Sociologists commonly use this popular method because it enables further detailed exploration about peoples subjective experiences, meaning-making, accounting processes, and unspoken assumptions about life and the social world in general.Two primary objectives of in-depth interviewing are exploration and verification (Johnson, 2002). One reason why it would be useful to conduct an in-depth interview, would be to reduce error due to interviewer reliability. The aim of this concept is to keep error down to a minimum, as should error occur it would have an adverse effect on the validity of the measure. The validity would be compromised if there is a high possibility of error occurring. However, due to the benefit of standardisation in depth interviews are useful to clarify any potential confusion. For example, in a self-completion questionnaire the participants. However, with the help of an interviewer the ambiguity can be clarified and the responses given by the interviewee are more li kely to be valid, based on the fact their answers where given under full understanding of the question. Interview control questions (ICQs) are in fact investigation questions aiming at both verification and exploration. A study that has exemplified the use of in depth interviews, was reported by Ramji Hasmita that focused on exploring commonality and difference in in-depth interviewing: a case-study of researching British Asian women. This research focuses on the experience British South Asian womens lives in London, and how a female British Asian researcher to explores this topic by investigating how and to what extent common social attributes are a result of influence. It examines these issues through a discussion of how the shared cultural identity of the researcher and the interviewees emerged as both a point of commonality and difference in the research process; with the researcher being positioned in terms of both because of the interviewees agency in interpreting their cultural commonality. Issues regarding Indian culture and religion emerged as points on which interviewees exercised agency and interpreted the researchers cultural identity. This was the basis on which they claimed commonality or difference and this assessment consequently impacted on their interaction with the researcher. The article suggests that more attention needs to be given to how assumptions made by interviewees regarding the cultural identity of the researcher through their agency and interaction in the research process shapes interview dynamics. (Ramji, H.,2008) Regardless of the differences between therapy and research interviews, and considering the similarities in approach and outcomes, I am suggesting the argument that participating in in depth interviews can be inherently therapeutic. Additionally, qualitative researchers must recognise the importance of this therapeutic possibility because it can and should affect participants reactions, interviewers approaches, and how researchers can make a difference in peoples lives. As well as clinical interviews, the social research interview context is a space for sharing stories, which can provide credible information for researchers and provide a platform for alleviation and healing. It has been recognised by several health practitioners and researchers that engaging in conversation can be liberating, as it encourages emotional release and can provide a sense of comfort at times. Sharing information and feeling building relationship by trying to understand ones mindset can also raise self-awar eness and perhaps even reform their perspectives on certain topics. This organization of thoughts can trigger new perspective and aid in promoting resolutions. The in-depth interviews are not aimed to act therapy, but it is therapeutic in that it offers a space for relaxation through sharing. In 2013 Yvonne Kahl, Johannes Jungbauer published an article reporting qualitive research regarding, Challenges and Coping Strategies of Children with Parents Affected by Schizophrenia: Results from an In-Depth Interview Study. The research consisted of thirty-four children undergoing in depth interviews to find out different forms of coping mechanisms they used to deal with their parents who were battling the mental health disorder, schizophrenia. The children who were being interviewed, expressed many obstacles in which they face daily, and in conclusion the report recognised through what was said by the interviewees that there is a desperate need for more professional support, to assist the children who are affected to discover more and appropriate forms of coping. (Kahl Jungbauner, 2013). The reason I believe an in-depth interview was more useful in understanding the question being researched here is due to the sensitive nature of the Schizophrenia and the stigmatisation of ment al health disorder. Through the in depth interviews the children conveyed many aspects of fear in relation to fear, frustration and stigmatisation as emotions they regularly feel concerning the relationship with their parents. As previously mentioned, in- depth interviews can be therapeutic and can offer a space for relaxation through sharing therefore would have been more useful as oppose to questionnaire, in enabling the interviewees to be as open as possible. Of course, with any form of research comes limitations. Regarding in depth interviews, there are many ethical issues. Although interviews may naturally be therapeutic for participants, and offer rich data, this quality can pose challenges to interviewers. As researchers encourage sensitive disclosures, role confusion may occur (Dickson-Swift, James, Kippen, Liamputton, 2006; Weiss, 1994). Participants could mistake the interview as therapy and, as such, the interviewer as a therapist. Researchers must carefully maintain boundaries to protect the researcher-participant relationship and ethical obligations to do no harm (Birch Miller, 2000; Dickson-Swift et al., 2006; Haynes, 2006). Boundaries can be achieved through minimizing personal disclosure, debriefing (Dickson-Swift et al., 2006), recognizing distress signals (Kavanaugh Ayres, 1998), drawing back when responses become negative (Haynes, 2006), and being direct about the research relationship. Because researchers are not train ed counsellors, they might experience emotional vulnerability, guilt, fatigue, and burnout (Dickson-Swift et al., 2006). The researchers role is listener, learner, and observer, not counsellor or therapist. A list of local counselling resources should be available for participants to highlight this distinction. References Willis, G. B. (2005). Setting the stage for cognitive interviewing: first principles of questionnaire design. In Cognitive interviewing (pp. 12-33).: SAGE Publications Ltd doi: 10.4135/9781412983655.n2 Healey-Etten, V., Sharp, S. (2010). Teaching Beginning Undergraduates How to Do an In-depth Interview: A Teaching Note with 12 Handy Tips. Teaching Sociology, 38(2), 157-165. Free, C., Lee, R., Ogden, J. (2002). Young Womens Accounts Of Factors Influencing Their Use And Non-Use Of Emergency Contraception: In-Depth Interview Study. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 325(7377), 1393-1396. Retrieved from Ramji, H. (2008). Exploring commonality and difference in in-depth interviewing: A case-study of researching British Asian women. British Journal of Sociology, 59(1), 99-116. doi: Kahl, Y., Jungbauer, J. (2014). Challenges and coping strategies of children with parents affected by schizophrenia: Results from an in-depth interview study. Child Adolescent Social Work Journal, 31(2), 181-196. doi:10.1007/s10560-013-0316-2

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Chinese Education Essay -- China Educating School History Essays

Chinese Education   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Education system in China although different than America’s has many good qualities. The view of Education in China has changed dramatically over the last forty years; it has gone from there being no real system to one that is held up to be one of the best in the world. In this paper I will go through the history of Chinese education and show how much it truly has changed. I will also look at how it is now and what China can expect for its future.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1949 The People’s Republic of China was formed by the Communist party. This happened after much struggle between the communists and the nationalists. The leader of the communist party and the new People’s Republic was Mao Zedong. When the communists took over China they implemented many new ideas that were supposed to bring China up to speed in regards to the industrial development. He started the five year plan in which the people and government of China was to focus on the development of industry and to challenge the old ways of thinking. The old ways were called â€Å"the four olds† these were habits, ideas, customs, and cultures. After three years Mao asked for feedback of all of the changes that had been occurring, this was called â€Å"The Hundred Flowers Campaign†. The people didn’t all like what had been happening; especially the educated and they gave bad feedback to Mao. He decided to purge the society of these †Å"poisonous weeds† as he called the educated because they challenged his authority. At this time all education was focused on redness which is the communist ideology. This is when the battle of the government verses the educated began and continued for many years. For many years the different plans that Mao thought of were not as successful as he had hoped. In 1959 Mao Zedong stepped down as the nation’s leader but remained as the communist’s party leader. He did this in order to take responsibility for the failures of the Great Leap Forward, and the other problems that had been caused under his leadership. Then in 1965 Mao took control of the government once again and this is when he established the Proletariat Cultural Revolution. Mao believed that the educated people were to blame for the many problems of China, he thought they hindered Marxism. So from 1966 to 1976 the entire education system was closed down in order to fix the problems caused and to focus m... ...tem different than the American Education system are mostly small things but there are some larger differences as well. Some of the small differences are that in China the students attend school six days a week, and that they have vacations in July and August. Some of the larger differences are that standardized tests are considered more important than grades when being considered for colleges, and that children are not supposed to ask questions in class they are only supposed to listen to lectures. In America questions are considered to be one of the major keys to understanding what you are learning. Questions are encouraged to broaden the thoughts of not only the students but also possibly the teachers as well. There are reasons that the Chinese education system is the way that it is and that is their choice to keep it that way. The government has major control over what is taught in schools and this effects what happens in them and what is learned. In America a school’s curriculum are made up by the local government and so it can vary from state to state. This is not to say that American education is right and China’s education is wrong I am just pointing out the differences.

Monday, November 11, 2019

U.S Economy Cause and Effect

Essay #2 cause and effect essay. (1084) Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Ben Soloviev As America is going through economical disfunction's, Â  it is apparent that many people fear for losing their job because in such a depression it would make it impossible to be well off comfortably due to the demand of money needed for all the basic essentials especially in Orange County. Orange County happens the be one of the more expensive areas in the state and it is crucial to always have a steady income as life here is not cheap but well worth it.Many Americans are in search for work and are struggling to make a living. As the job hunting goes on, many job opportunities are overseen to due to programs such unemployment. The percentage of unemployment has sky rocketed over the past few years leaving it up to us, tax payers with job to pay for such needs. Unemployment is not fair for all, most people would say. There are a percentage of people who trul y have no other choice of surviving unless they depend on this crucial unemployment program.Although unemployment is crucial for some, it is not necessary for a portion of the people due to the simple fact that they are not trying hard enough to seek new job opportunities. Instead they a letting opportunities slide right past them every single day they are not looking for work. Many people depend on unemployment alone, because most people would prefer to get paid for doing nothing while they have the chance too. Many people take advantage of this privilege and only it do they follow.A huge downfall due to unemployment for us people with a steady income and a consistent employment is the fact that we have to pay for the unemployed. Hardworking people work to support themselves also end up paying taxes which a percentage of that goes to the unemployed. By increasing our taxes the government collects money all around. This dramatically decreases the standard of living for us citizens. Although unemployment has it's pros and is a huge opportunity for people in struggles or going through loss of unemployment.It also puts a major dependability on hard working citizens who are forced to pay high taxes which a certain percentage are collected to pay for the unemployed. Many people abuse unemployment for as long as they can and only pretend to seek work but instead just prefer to do nothing but make something which not only is unfair but also not right. Unemployment not only affects certain individuals but it also puts a decrease on the standard of living here in the United states which affects everybody around us.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

American National Government

What a piece of writing must that be, one inevitably thinks, the story which contributes to and precedes by two months the scandalous fall of a President. All the President’s Men is the real account of Washington Post’s two young reporters, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward who conducted two years of investigations to untie the Gordian knot and eventually expose of a very complicated political conspiracy mounting up to the Chief of State.The actual report starts one sunny Saturday in the Capital in 1974, when the two authors have started working on the topic of the Watergate break-in and develops into a broad inquiry through the political fraud and crimes that lead to the resignation of the then president Richard Nixon and his administration. Even though narrated in a simple and succinct manner, almost telegraphic, the story astonished me because of the huge bid of the search and the courage of taking it to its end, the chain-reaction it provoked, which obviously disrupte d the political life of the US and fired up the world’s public opinion.Placing it in real-time, we see that President Nixon resigned two months after the story was published. Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward’s investigation was altogether a great factor which contributed to the disclosure of a dirty business including money laundering, fraudulent electoral campaign, illegal wiretapping and other crimes that contravene to the very principles of the American Constitution and the Governmental establishment, and to the values of democracy in total.Undoubtedly, the sum of notes, papers and inquiries that the two reporters have gathered for the two-year coverage in The Washington Post has given birth to a book full of suspense, easy to read for the less initiated, full of insight into the political machinations and hierarchies at the White House and other organisms like CIA and FBI. The true story was awarded the Pulitzer price and inspired a very faithful cinematographic adapt ation in 1976, which in my opinion respects exactly the long and thorough problem-solving demarche of the two reporters through a net of hundreds and hundreds of leads.What I liked is the rhythm of the story and the perfume of the time. It is astounding to read the original chronicles of a journalistic investigation that made so much difference in the political and administrative life of the United States. At first, I found it a good, fast-paced detective story that appeals to the adventurer hidden in any of us, featuring a burglary intrigue and two â€Å"ordinary† heroes describing their obstinate effort to penetrate a very scary wall of silence that lead higher that either of them had imagined.Until then, it was like all good detectives normally do. But some dozen pages later, the heavy responsibility of the whole account struck me. I mean, as foreigner, this gave me a very crude and abrupt insight into the ramifications of the American administration seen through the eyes of professional journalists at that time, without much of introduction or decryption. This could account for a negative point, the rapidity of the narration, if the book had been meant to be didactic, not informational: a snapshot of the event.And because it was written at a time when this scandal grew to be central to the daily life of Americans, it achieves a role that I find essential for a very good documentary: the pulse of the time, the organisms of decision, the power structures and pressure games, the small hassles at the Post’s headquarters etc. Even though I had some notion about the affair before, the book launched me into a roller-coaster ride into the world of politics, newspaper journalism and communications.Before reading it as a sensational story, for me it was a manual of journalistic methodology and intuition. I particularly liked considering the ethical issues of such a public-related endeavor and the responsibility towards the audience, sources and actors, the dedicated meticulousness in working their way through this spider web of secret connections and political protocols. But overall, I found particularly inspiring the unequal buildup of the whole scheme up to the final takeover.There are several stages where Woodward and Bernstein’s findings give butterflies in the stomach, like discovering that one of the Watergate intruders was a CIA security agent, or when the two reporters meet the secretive agent â€Å"Deep-Throat†, and then when they publish the findings of the FBI regarding the greater scope of the burglary, which was in fact a huge misappropriation of funds, sabotage meant to create funds for Nixon’s reelection. And even though this book is not written in a pedagogical manner, the facts speak for themselves beyond any morals or heavy conclusions.As their echo proves, the articles, book and then the movie they inspired created a completely new approach to America’s institutions and, most probabl y, raised a great questioning mark over the political regimes worldwide. Taking up by the traces it left, I believe â€Å"All the President’s Men† managed to prove that any earthly institution is deeply questionable and may be biased or fraudulent despite its ideology. However, from a historical point of view, the book further shows that these regimes are savable provided the freedom of speech and research is allowed.The very principle of democracy is that each individual has the privilege and the duty to contribute for the collective well-being, and so they can become agents of change, when irregularities happen. I deeply believe this book stimulates such awareness and, why not, the reflex to keep one’s eye open and act with abnegation when needed. In consequence, the papers make an excellent material for our American National Government course because it provides a very strong case study of the American federal scheme of government and its potential breaches.I t underlines how the 4th state power, the mass media, can contribute to the regulation of an eventually corrupted system by rendering it transparent. We also have a very intricate access to very confidential information and behind the scene leads in the governmental hive. Because I come from a different culture, I esteemed the way this story, written with modesty, reveals the power of the press within American political process, as well as the power of the individual(s) within the hierarchies of power.The determination, perseverance of the two reporters, even after hitting apparent dead-ends lead to a huge mobilization of forces and a substantial change. In accordance, I would like to mention the patriotism of the veteran â€Å"Deep Throat†, revealed after more than 30 years of confidentiality as â€Å"FBI ‘s No. 2† official, W. Mark Felt† . This is an example of a personal belief initiative taken despite the great threats, without which the whole story cou ld have passed unproven.Wondering about the real contribution of Felt, I came about the statement of the two reporters in a 2005 Washington Post article. According to article’s author David Von Drehle’s, â€Å"Woodward and Bernstein expressed a concern that the Deep Throat story has, over the years, come to obscure the many other elements that went into exposing the Watergate story: other sources, other investigators, high-impact Senate hearings, a shocking trove of secret White House tape recordings and the decisive intervention of a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court. † To my understanding, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein have been very aware of the boom their investigation would consequently incite. There followed a great chain-reaction by which the juridical power, the intelligence services and other institutions have equally contributed to the making of the complete case against the President and his administration, through extensive legal procedures. For me, thi s is in a sense a revolution.It is a revolution because the corruption and the anti-constitutional deeds are denounced to the public opinion and, even though this mounts up to the head of the state, the guilty part finishes exposed, with reprimands in accordance. Even though this book has been written in a short and snappy manner, without personal elaboration or explanations, it surely reconstructs the pulse of the time and the dramatic beat of the ascending inquiry. Personally, I feel I had been dragged also in the â€Å"present tense† of the best politics& detective story of the passed century.Even though the authors do not make any deep analysis either about the power structures they touch, or about the consequences of their investigation, it remains a grand dissertation-scenario of the changing nature of political actions and the particular framework of the state powers during the time of Nixon and beyond. References: Bernstein, Carl; Woodward, Bob. â€Å"All the Preside nt`s Men†. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006. Von Drehle, David. â€Å"FBI's No. 2 Was ‘Deep Throat'†. June 1, 2005; Page A01. Washington Post. 8 Sept. 2007 < http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/31/AR2005053100655. html >

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Speedway Museum essays

Speedway Museum essays The Speed Art Museum was built in 1927 and is located in Louisville, Kentucky. The museum has a distinguished collection of 17th Century Dutch and Fleming paintings, 18th Century French art, Renaissance, Baroque tapestries, a lot of contemporary American paintings and sculptures, as well as African and Native American works. I was very impressed with the layout of the Museum and how the parking lot area and the Museum grounds are very well kept. I should add that the personnel were very courteous. My favorite painting was Adoration of the Shepperds by Paolo de Matties; the painting shows Christ soon after birth, the shepperds, and some stable animals. It shows how the shepperds were led by the angels to the manger to praise and pay homage to the Baby Jesus who radiates a miraculous glowing light. The whole painting is so alive; Virgen Mary beside Baby Jesus in the manger is the pure reflection of happiness and hope for the whole world. I believe this represents the salvation of the human being by having Jesus Christ born. There were some other paintings that caught my eyes; one in particular was one called The Newspaper Boy. The painting seems to come alive and at things you thought the boy was going to walk out of the painting. The colors are vivid and flow into each other effortlessly with no apparent seams or edges. The details of the back ground are dramatic in every detail, the painter didnt miss anything from the snow flakes to the street lamps to the curding with gutters. Along with all of the paintings there is a large variety of other art such as vases, urns, bowls, sculptures, masks, tapestries, and headdresses. These items ranged from early human to American Indian with items from almost every era in history. There was also some modern works placed throughout the museum at various points so not to interfere with the timeline of each area. The painting that I dislike the most ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

What Men Live By. Human existence in the world Essay

What Men Live By. Human existence in the world - Essay Example Our education and experience are the foremost factors governing our intellectual development and forming our unique attitude towards the world and other people. As the essential component of personal introspection, expanding the exalted tendency of human mind, the philosophical thesis, what men live by, never loses its topicality. The most outstanding examination of the subject, revealing the intensity of philosophical thought, was represented by the Russian Literature. Distinctive in its shape and unique in the diversity of its content, the Russian Literature always attracts readership with its lofty aspiring.  Particularly, the most genial reflection of the belief in the exclusive spiritual mission of a human being refers to the samples of the Russian literature of the XIX century.  ... olution had been maturing in Russia throughout the XIX century.  The best examples of the Russian literature and art came into being on the crest of the democratic upsurge. They reflected the wrath of the oppressed serfs and poor folk indirectly or, sometimes, even directly.  Literature played the leading role in the development of innovative ideas and political movements. It was the only sphere of social life that was able to express the progressive thought vigorously.   Despite of the raging censorship (in the reign of Nicolai I Russia was considered as a police state in general), the XIX century was called as the "Golden age" of the Russian Literature.  Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and many other famous writers and poets created that time.  The Russian literature expanded  amazingly and brightly in the XIX century, taking one of the first places in European culture.  The philosophical reflection of inner quest and the meaning of moral values in hu man life were the inevitable result of the social contradictions, which found response in the minds of the most progressive part of the Russian intelligentsia of the XIX century. The great Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910), who put the thesis What man live by in the title of his story, occupies the distinguished place among the leaders of the world culture.  Tolstoy came from the highest nobility, but he refused the title and acted as the spokesman, who expressed the indignation of Russian peasants. After reading Tolstoy's What men live by, there are ambivalent feelings. It seems a bit unusual that  being the representative of critical realism in literature, suddenly, the writer took the position of a preacher composing the story. Created mostly for folk’s reading and absorbed all of the beauty

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Promotions Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Promotions - Article Example Under its deal with the Lionsgate, Groupon will sell the tickets for the LINCOLIN LAWYERS at a price of $ 6 during its two day online promotion. Under this deal, consumers purchasing the tickets will be given a special code which will be valid through Fandango for redeeming tickets. Interesting point in the article The digital promotion is the point that attracts me the most. Previously, we had traditional marketing and promotional activities in which direct marketing and promotional activities were carried out. Thanks to the Internet, from the comfort of home, one can easily be reached and made aware of a particular marketing and promotional activities. It is also advantageous from a company’s point of view as well. Take an example of Groupon; currently it has direct access to more than 60 million consumers globally. In the traditional offline marketing and promotional activities, to reach and remain in constant touch with such huge number of consumers would not be an easy fo r a marketing and promotional company. A link between the article and chapter points Basically, there are two points that are simultaneously mentioned and discussed in the book and the article as well.